The estate of legendary comedian George Carlin has reached a settlement with the media company sued over a fake hourlong comedy special purportedly created using artificial intelligence to mimic Carlin’s style and material.

Settlement Details

An elderly man with a serious expression looking into the camera.

In the settlement agreement filed with a federal court on Monday, the podcast outlet Dudesy agreed to permanently remove the special and refrain from using Carlin’s image, voice, or likeness in the future without the estate’s written approval.

Kelly Carlin, George Carlin’s daughter, expressed gratitude for the defendants’ swift action in removing the video and highlighted the importance of safeguards against AI technologies, stating,

I hope this case serves as a warning about the dangers posed by AI technologies and the need for appropriate safeguards not just for artists and creatives, but every human on earth.

Kelly said that George Carlin perfected his craft through years and years of hard work and no machine would ever be able to replicate his genius.


George Carlin, an iconic figure in stand-up comedy, passed away in 2008. The disputed audio special, titled “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead,” featured a synthesized version of the comic delivering commentary on current events.

This of course, sparked controversy, pitchforks and torches were raised to immediately take down the content, stating that George Carlin’s work should be left to speak for itself.

What’s more is that it’s revealed that the special wasn’t made by AI in the first place, it was written by Chad Kultgen. And although it wasn’t “made” by AI, Carlin’s estate argues that Dudesy used George Carlin’s image, name, and likeness to garner views which was the basis of the lawsuit.

You can read more about the background of the lawsuit HERE! 

Legal Implications

A man with glasses speaking into a microphone on stage.

The lawsuit, filed on Jan. 25, addressed concerns about potential copyright violations, as the AI-generated content allegedly imitated Carlin’s voice and material.

The “A.I” even says at the start of the special that it watched 50 years of George Carlin’s work and did it’s best to imitate his voice, cadence, and even attitude.

Which the plaintiff’s argue is how Carlin’s copyright was violated. Kelly Carlin said,

I am grateful that the defendants acted responsibly by swiftly removing the video they made

As with anything with the internet, although the original video has been removed, clips can still be found all over. Also, this isn’t the first time that Dudesy came under fire as they previously used AI for another special to feature NFL star Tom Brady.


To combat this, according to Joshua Schiller, the estate’s lawyer, the settlement serves as a blueprint for resolving similar disputes involving AI technology’s infringement on artists’ and public figures’ rights.

Schiller emphasized the need to protect Carlin’s legacy and address the reputational and intellectual property threats posed by emerging technologies. Carlin’s lawyers say that this settlement will serve as,

A blueprint for resolving similar disputes going forward where an artist or public figure has their rights infringed by AI technology. Our goal was to resolve this case expeditiously and have the offending videos removed from the internet so that we could preserve Mr. Carlin’s legacy and shine a light on the reputational and intellectual property threat caused by this emerging technology.


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