Comedian Mark Steel has shared uplifting news: he is now cancer-free. After a challenging battle with throat cancer, the 63-year-old received confirmation from UCL Hospital that his treatment successfully eradicated the disease.

Battling Cancer

Steel’s journey began last October when he detected a lump in his neck while shaving. Subsequent tests revealed throat cancer that had spread to his lymph glands. Determined to fight, he underwent surgery, followed by intensive radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions.

I lay on a blue plastic bench, where they covered my neck in sticky jelly and she placed a machine on my throat that looked like an electric shaver from the 1970s. And in the next moment, everything changed.

Thankfully the doctor informed him after the diagnosis that it is definitely treatable but the doctor was sorry that he might have to miss a few shows.

The comedian went through radiotherapy, throat surgery that led to him eating through a tube for some time, and was attended by a lot of specialists and consultants, from all around the world that he joked that the world’s health resources were being used on him.

At one point I had four sticking out of me at once so my arm looked like a child’s birthday cake. I was prodded and poked so often I wouldn’t have been surprised if a nurse had arrived with a cheese grater and said ‘Can you turn over Mi Steel, we just need to grate your thigh’, and I’d have happily let them.

Gratitude and Humor

A split-screen image of a man in a kitchen, holding a tube and a brush in each panel, with cabinets and kitchenware in the background.

In his announcement, Steel expressed gratitude to the medical staff at UCLH, acknowledging their pivotal role in saving his life. Reflecting on his experience, he humorously remarked,

I don’t recommend chemotherapy or radiotherapy as recreational drugs, I can’t see them taking off in the clubs.

Acknowledging the outpouring of support from friends, family, and fans, Steel credited their messages with lifting his spirits during challenging times.

Despite the unfortunate news, he was delighted by the amount of support he received from all around the world! From his own family, to numerous strangers sending him uplifting messages.

And… lots of you sent me messages which was SO appreciated and I’d marry you all if there wasn’t a law against it.

Moving Forward

A man speaking into a microphone on a stage with a bbc radio 4 backdrop, dressed in a dark blazer and looking expressive.

Looking ahead, Steel plans to focus on his recovery and return to the stage. With trademark humor, he quipped about potential future projects, including a “my cancer journey” book, tour, and musical.

Above all, he’s determined to stay vigilant and avoid another bout with cancer, and everyone including us would like to wish him good luck and brighter days from now on!

Mark Steel
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