George Carlin’s estate has taken legal action against Dudesy, a media company, for producing a fake comedy special mimicking Carlin’s voice and style. Filed in Los Angeles federal court, the complaint alleges copyright infringement and unauthorized use of Carlin’s likeness, branding the special as “computer-generated click-bait” that damages Carlin’s reputation.

Controversial Release and Response

The fake special, titled “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead,” was released on Dudesy’s YouTube channel, garnering nearly 500,000 views. Responding to criticism, Dudesy hosts defended AI as a creative tool, sparking debate about its impact on content creation.

Revealing the Truth Behind the AI

A spokesperson confirmed that the Dudesy AI character was fictional, and the special was penned by Chad Kultgen, not AI. This case highlights the trend of companies misrepresenting human work as AI-generated, exploiting the fascination with AI technology.

Despite this, the lawsuit will be pushed forward. A person that was inspired by George’s work likely won’t merit a copyright claim, it is because of the use of Carlin’s name and likeness for promotional purposes that made them file for legal action.

Defendants always presented the Dudesy Special as an AI-generated George Carlin comedy special, where George Carlin was ‘resurrected’ with the use of modern technology… In short, Defendants sought to capitalize on the name, reputation, and likeness of George Carlin in creating, promoting, and distributing the Dudesy Special and using generated images of Carlin, Carlin’s voice, and images designed to evoke Carlin’s presence on a stage.

Estate Seeks Compensation and Removal

Carlin’s estate demands the immediate removal of the fake special and seeks compensation for damages. The lawsuit aims to protect Carlin’s legacy and artistic integrity, stating that no machine can replicate his genius.

The estate’s lawyers are anticipating the use of free speech as a defense and thus they argue that the special has no creative value aside from it’s self-proclaimed connection with George Carlin.

“It is harmful to Carlin’s reputation, his legacy, and to the value of his real work,”

Family and Fan Reaction

Carlin’s family and fans denounce the fake special as a mockery of his legacy. Kelly Carlin emphasises her father’s unique creativity, opposing attempts to replicate it artificially.

For more information on Kelly Carlin’s stance regarding the whole matter and her advocacy against AI, you could check out our coverage HERE.

Dudesy’s History of Controversy

Dudesy took the video down, however there are still numerous copies in the internet as it was able to garner 500,000 views just days after posting. This isn’t their first controversy though as Dudesy previously faced scrutiny for alleged AI-generated content, including a fake special featuring NFL star Tom Brady.

Addressing Concerns in the Industry

Issues surrounding AI’s ability to replicate performers’ voices and likenesses have prompted industry-wide discussions. Efforts like the No Fakes Act aim to protect performers’ rights and ensure informed consent in AI-driven content creation.


The use of AI in comedy has been a longstanding issue in the industry. You can read more about Dudesy’s response, Kelly Carlin’s concerns and other controversy stemmed from the use of AI HERE. If you’re looking for great comedy shows LIVE, then pop right in at Big Belly Comedy Club! We’re ready to give you high-quality entertainment 7 nights a week!

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