Popular Australian Comedian Blake Pavey has issued a rather specific and strange rule during his nationwide tour when he got into a bitter exchange with an elderly heckler.

Heckling Incident

A man in a striped sweater speaking on stage holding a microphone, audience silhouettes in the foreground.

Things got off rocky when an unnamed elderly crowd member started heckling Pavey’s opener, Aleks Milinkovic. Milinkovic said on the video, gearing up for a joke, he said

“I have no money” to which the heckler said “I wish you had some talent too” and “say something funny mate”.

Is property not enough for you that you have to come and ruin MY night? Honestly COVID should have taken out more.

That apparently was not enough for the heckler and continued to interrupt Milinkovic’s set saying that he was still waiting for something ‘Funny’.

Milinkovic asked him if he was a fan of Blake Pavey, and the heckler reveals that he has never heard of him. Which confused everyone in the room as to why he was there. Speaking of Pavey, when he got up on stage, he said,

How does the oldest c–t here have the lowest IQ?. That is so f–king rude, man.

The audience member still did not stop interrupting the show saying that he’s still waiting for something to laugh at. Pavey let out a long sigh and said,

Ah, an American being an entitled c–t, what a shocker.

When Pavey was talking with another audience member, the heckler said something to his companion and then stood and looked for the exit which distracted Pavey from his crowd work.

Sorry, I’m trying to listen but we have a dementia patient in the room

Of course, the heckler wasn’t finished with just leaving the show he had to leave a few parting words to the comedian and even flipped him off, saying that “I wish you were funny mate”. Pavey then said he had a wish of his own.

I wish you weren’t a c—t but we can’t all have what we want.



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Though it’s already apparent in the video that a lot of people weren’t exactly on the heckler’s side – On social media it’s the same thing with lots of responses of commendation and support came through for both comedians.

“Why do people go to shows and act like that like someone’s forcing them to be there”
“You & Aleks absolutely nailed handling that, too good!”
“I will never understand why people think it’s a good idea to pick a verbal fight with people who are professionally funny and witty”

What’s surprising though is that a few people that were present during the show commented on the video and revealed a few things about the incident.

First of all, the heckler’s companion stayed throughout the whole show, she didn’t enjoy it but she said she wanted to try out different things, a sentiment that earned Blake’s respect.

Second of all, the heckler didn’t really leave the venue, he was outside in the bathrooms, which confused a lot of the people who attended.

Support From Another American

Cheerful man in a beret and suit waving, standing against a promotional backdrop with logos.

Pavey didn’t just get support for his “new rule” from fellow Australians but also from American comics! Particularly one from George Wallace himself.

TMZ was able to get his input and Wallace says that he doesn’t blame Pavey for keeping the old folks out of the show, whether or not its a publicity stunt.

He imagines that Pavey would eventually cave on his “no 85 and above” rule when someone offers a $100 to see him perform. Wallace stood up for Pavey’s opinion but also had his own message towards the heckler that he should have just sit down and shut up next time.


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