12 Week Free Comedy Course – Week 8

Click HERE for the course intro and other chapters:

Two Months Down!

Congratulations! You’ve reached your second month of dedicated standup comedy. It’s an exciting milestone, but don’t be too hasty in seeking benchmarks to measure your progress. Every comedian’s journey is unique, and it’s crucial to focus on your individual growth. As you continue to hone your craft, remember that the most important question to ask yourself is, “Is this fun?” Having a good time on stage is the ultimate benchmark that truly matters.

On-Stage Performance

As you continue to perform, pay attention to the technical aspects of your act. Consider the lighting in the room to ensure the audience can see your expressions clearly. Holding the microphone appropriately is essential, as your face is one of your most potent comedic tools.

Experiment with using or not using a mic stand to find the performance style that suits you best. Additionally, prepare for the unexpected by occasionally performing without a microphone during open mics.

Dress To Impress

Your on-stage presence and clothing choice can significantly impact how the audience perceives your act. While personal style is essential, keep in mind that distracting clothing elements, such as prints or brimmed hats that cast shadows on your face, may hinder the effectiveness of your performance. Dress appropriately for your act and persona, ensuring your clothing complements your material without diverting attention away from it.

The Writing Process

While pre-written material is vital for standup comedy, don’t shy away from exploring on-stage writing and ad-libbing. Your natural comedy instincts are still powerful tools that can aid in your writing process. Try taking one joke idea and talking it out on stage without a script. You might be surprised at the result. Remember, the audience’s response and being in the zone can inspire new punchlines and enhance your act.

Stop, Collaborate And Listen.

Don’t be afraid to collaborate with fellow comedians you respect. Engaging in a creative partnership can help develop jokes and provide fresh perspectives. However, make sure the collaboration is equal, with both parties contributing equally to the process. Having a clear vision of what you want to say before seeking input from a collaborator will help ensure your unique voice remains intact.

Remember that it’s a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. Focus on the joy of performing and stay true to your comedic instincts. Embrace on-stage writing and collaboration as valuable tools in your arsenal. With dedication, passion, and a willingness to take risks, you’ll continue to evolve as a comedian and delight audiences with your unique brand of humour. Keep honing your craft, and who knows where your comedy journey might take you!

Task 1: Keep It Casual

Comedy Assignment 1

Get ready to unleash your comedic brilliance using our trusted Comedy Refinement Process, but let’s add a little twist this time:

Choose a joke, but this time, just jot down the essential points and a Punchline. Share it with the audience as if you were having a casual chat with friends. Let those natural comedy instincts flow freely as you deliver the joke on stage. Embrace the spontaneity and let the laughter roll!

Task 2: Let’s Get Riffing 

When you’ve got the crowd laughing at one of your written jokes, don’t stop there! Take a leap of faith and say one more thing on that topic after the joke. If the laughter continues, go with the flow and share the next spontaneous thought that comes to your mind. Embrace the art of ad-libbing on stage and let your creativity shine.

Now, here’s a little trick to keep in mind: if an ad-lib works like a charm, try using it in the exact same spot the next time you tell the joke. It might just become a new gem in your comedic arsenal. But, remember, it won’t always work out the same way. Sometimes, the magic of the moment is what made it funny, and trying to recreate it might fall flat. However, when it does work, you might discover new lines that you can use to delight your audience night after night. So, experiment, have fun, and let the spontaneity guide you to comedic greatness!

Task 3: Joke About The Room

instead of prepping loads of jokes beforehand, I want you to take a moment to absorb the surroundings. Let the room’s ambiance inspire your comedic genius.

Notice the first thing that strikes you as out of the ordinary about the room. It could be the quirky decor, the funky lighting, or maybe even the way the chairs are arranged. Trust me, if you find it interesting or peculiar, chances are the crowd will pick up on it too.

Now, here’s a little secret to make your performance memorable: throughout your entire comedy career, you’ll be expected to comment on strange details of the room and embrace the odd occurrences that happen during the show. It’s time to flex that observational muscle and share those hilarious insights.

Furthermore, tapping into the shared experience with your audience is a powerful tool. So, don’t hesitate to comment on the very location and experience you’re all sharing at that moment. It instantly connects you with the crowd and adds that extra punch to your comedy. So, let the room guide you, embrace the moment, and let the laughter flow!

Task 4: Revisit your affirmation

Before stepping onto the stage, make sure to use the new affirmation we created earlier in the course If it doesnt resonate with you, don’t worry! You can try a new affirmation or find alternative ways to get into the appropriate headspace to perform!


Task 5: Spread some Love


When you hit those Open Mic nights this week, don’t forget to go up to that performer who impresses you the most and give them a solid compliment on their set. Be specific, let them know what you enjoyed about it. If you haven’t started doing this yet, no worries, start now.

When someone cracks you up, show some love and support. It creates a more friendly and attentive atmosphere at the gig, and trust me, you wanna make connections with fellow comics.  That’s gold for your future in comedy. So, time to start building those relationships!

Task 6: Get Clear On Your BitsASSIGNMENT 6

Check out all the jokes on your Bit List and jot down two sentences for each. The first sentence should express the main idea of the joke in a straightforward manner. The second sentence should reflect your personal feelings about the joke. Now, go ahead and perform your set at one of the open mics this week.

Watch the recording afterwards to ensure that the intended ideas in those sentences are clearly conveyed in your act. If they’re not, take the time to figure out what adjustments you need to make. Also, remember to strike a good balance between formality and informality, and be sure to enunciate clearly and avoid speaking too fast. Rehearsed jokes can sometimes lose their clarity if we don’t pay attention to how we deliver them.

Task 7: Watch More Comedy

Watch these two videos:

Jon Dore Just For Laughs

Nick Vatterott, Jimmy Fallon

What comedic techniques did Nick and Jon incorporate into these bits that was different from traditional stand up! Write a list of these moments where they got unconventional laughs!

In Nick’s performance, how did he manage to get laughs from the audience? Look at how he justified each joke to get a couple more laughs too!

Remember, stand-up comedy has boundless potential to explore new territories and innovate. As long as it’s funny, there are no constraints other than making people laugh!


That’s it! That’s Week Eight.

See you back again here in a week!


This is an adaptation of the free 12 week course Jon Roy offers HERE

Learn more about the Comedy Basics here


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