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Open mic nights are a rite of passage for all comedians! Here we’ll help you sift through how to use them to your advantage!

Choose the Right Open Mics

There are tonnes of open mics out there. Opt for open mic nights that have a proven track record and are suitable for your style. You’ll quickly filter out gigs you get value from and others you don’t!

Consider the efficiency of the mic—some open mics operate on a lottery system, which may result in wasted time if you don’t get a chance to perform.

Treat your time as a valuable asset and invest it wisely. Choose open mics that offer a good return on investment, considering factors such as travel time and effort.

Create a calendar and select specific nights to attend open mics that deliver the most value.Is It Worth Playing Open Mic Nights?

Use Off Stage Time Wisely

Familiarise yourself with the comedians and make them aware of your presence. Building connections and earning their respect takes time.

Open Mics are where a lot of relationships in comedy are formed! If there are comedians you admire performing at open mics, network with them, comedians love to talk about themselves (it’s part of the job) so making connections can be pretty easy!

Gain Confidence at Open Mics

Remember that confidence is crucial in comedy. Develop confidence by delivering solid jokes that resonate with the audience, and by simply getting on stage as much as possible!

Open Mic gigs are sometimes the hardest gigs to perform at, the crowd might not even want to be there but by going through these gigs, being present and getting laughs, you’ll create a confidence on stage that will shine through when you make it to the pros!The Science of Laughter--and Why It Also Has a Dark Side - Scientific American

Utilise Open Mic Sessions as Calibration Tools

Open mics may not always provide a large audience, but you can still gauge the response of a joke by paying attention to the few attentive individuals present.

Understand the different levels of laughs at open mics—some laughs indicate a good joke, while others signify a great joke. Learn to discern these varying responses.

Experiment with your material outside of open mic nights by testing jokes on friends or strangers. Their reactions can provide valuable insights into the joke’s potential.

Start Your Own Open Mic or Join Forces

Create your own open mic group with fellow comedians and friends who can provide constructive feedback and laughter.

Hosting your own open mic or partnering with others allows you to control the atmosphere and ensure an efficient and supportive environment.

Consider the concept of allocating multiple time slots, where comedians support each other by remaining present throughout the entire show.

Build a Social Media Following

Develop a strong presence on social media platforms to attract followers who appreciate your comedy.

A substantial online following gives you leverage when negotiating performances with venues, as they see the potential for increased revenue from your dedicated fans.

Use social media to showcase your talent and build pressure outside the traditional comedy scene, eventually attracting opportunities to perform on your terms. See our Business Of Comedy articles for more advice on this! 

Succeeding in the world of stand-up comedy requires careful navigation of open mic nights. By strategically selecting the right open mics, attending frequently, refining your material through calibration, starting your own shows or partnering with fellow comedians, and building a social media following, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, comedy is both an art and a business, and with determination and perseverance, you can establish yourself as a respected comedian in the industry. So go out there, test your material, and make your mark on the comedy scene!

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