Make Money Doing What You Love: Comedy

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could turn our passion into a career and never have to work another day? Of Course! So were going to explore a simple yet powerful concept to help you identify the right path to follow, one that aligns your love for comedy with the potential to make a living out of it. 

By finding this sweet spot, you can embark on a journey towards becoming a creative professional, rather than a starving artist.

Being involved in the industry of your passion can be something you can look at from a range of perspectives. Ic could be working the door at a comedy club so you can watch and practice stand up comedy. Or maybe managing acts or even a venue.


Comedy Passion Meets Profit

Imagine a Venn diagram with two circles. The circle on the left represents things you love to do, while the circle on the right represents things you can potentially make a living from. The key is to find projects or endeavours that fall within the overlap of these circles, the sweet spot where your passion and profit intersect.


Embracing Your Passions: Comedy & Writing 

It is essential to identify the activities, hobbies, or skills that truly ignite your enthusiasm. What are the things you love to do, the ones that bring you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose? Make a list of these passions, whether it’s writing, comedy, painting, coding, or playing an instrument. Remember, these are the activities that make you come alive.


Exploring Viable Career Paths

Once you have recognised your passions, it’s time to evaluate their potential as viable career paths. Consider the market demand, trends, and opportunities available for each passion. Research the industries, job prospects, and potential for growth and financial stability. This step will help you identify the areas where you can potentially make a living doing what you love.


Breaking Free from the Traditional Mould

Many individuals find themselves trapped in unfulfilling corporate jobs that solely serve as a means to make a living. They spend most of their time on tasks they don’t enjoy, leaving little room for pursuing their true passions. It’s crucial to break free from this mould and seek a more fulfilling path.


Choosing Career Fulfilment Over Employment

Instead of working solely to enrich someone else or to survive, consider shifting your focus towards personal enrichment. By directing your efforts towards the things you love, you can develop your skills, deepen your knowledge, and experience personal growth. This mindset allows you to become the driver of your own success, pursuing a career that aligns with your passions and brings you joy.

Just a shout out to How To Write Funny for the inspo behind this blog. Go Check them out.

Embracing the Creative Professional Mindset

In our pursuit of passion and profit, it’s important to adopt a mindset of a creative professional. Rather than settling for the role of a starving artist, someone who struggles to make ends meet while pursuing their artistic endeavours, strive to become a creative professional. This means finding the right balance between creativity and practicality, leveraging your talents and passions in a way that generates income and sustains a fulfilling career. 

  • Can you apply a previous skill to your new career choice
  • Do you have friends who could help you get established in this new industry

Overcoming Setbacks and Focusing on Success

While the concept of finding the balance between your working in creative niche and keeping the lights on may seem obvious, many struggle to apply it to their lives.

Keep the following in Mind:

  • Self-awareness: Be honest if  this something you are actually good enough to do. Reflect on what truly drives you and brings you fulfilment.
  • Research and exploration: Dive deep into the guys of the industry, look at ALL opportunities that align with what you want to be doing.
  • Is it worth the risk: Assess the risks involved in pursuing your chosen career and weigh them against the potential rewards with success and the perils of failure.
  • Continuous learning and growth: Dedicate yourself to honing your skills, acquiring knowledge, and adapting to the changing demands of your chosen field.
  • It’s Who you know not what you know: Its horrible but true. Connect with the right people, individuals, mentors, and professionals and you can get the support needed to guide you on your journey.
  • Persistence and resilience: Stay committed to your grind, even when its all looking grey.


Finding The Balance

Listen, life is all about balance. Finding a compromise of a passion project meeting with viable a career options, can create a life that is both fulfilling and rewarding. 

Obviously don’t settle for a job that drains your soul and leaves little time for the things you love. The other side of the coin is that if you cant survive life is not going to be fu. either.


Learn more about the Comedy Business here


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