President Obonjo

President Obonjo, the charismatic stand-up comedian, has been gracing the comedy stage for a decade, steadily rising to prominence. As the larger-than-life, self-proclaimed dictator of ‘Lafta Republic,’ he’s leading a comedic revolution that’s taking the industry by storm.

With notable achievements, President Obonjo has triumphed in New Act competitions, including winning Luton Comedian of the Year, securing Runner-Up at the Great Yorkshire Fringe, and earning finalist status in the Naty New Act competition. His solo show, “President Obonjo Stole My Identity,” received acclaim at the Bath Comedy Festival, Brighton Fringe, and Edinburgh Fringe in 2015 and 2017, drawing packed audiences.

In 2019, President Obonjo presented his third Edinburgh Show, “Goodbye Mr President,” to critical acclaim. He’s also the proud recipient of the 2019 Malcolm Hardee Award, an honor previously bestowed upon Trevor Noah in 2012. With his exceptional comedic prowess, President Obonjo is a true comic gem, as endorsed by Steve Bennett: “President Obonjo is a great comic construct.”

President Obonjo – Comedian


President Obonjo – The Comedy Revolutionist

From Dictator to Comedic Genius

President Obonjo, the larger-than-life and uber-confident stand-up comedian, has been making waves in the comedy scene for the past 10 years. Taking on the persona of the self-appointed, side-splitting dictator of ‘Lafta Republic,’ he has quietly led a comedy revolution, aiming to become the most influential president in the comedy industry.

Rumbling the Comedy Circuit

President Obonjo has garnered attention by storming through New Act competitions and leaving his mark. His comedic prowess has earned him accolades such as winning Luton Comedian of the Year and being a Runner-Up at the Great Yorkshire Fringe. He also achieved the position of a finalist in the Naty New Act of the Year competition. These achievements solidify his status as a rising star in the comedy world.

The Solo Show Success

President Obonjo’s previous solo show, “President Obonjo Stole My Identity,” became a sensation in 2015. With performances at the Bath Comedy Festival, Brighton Fringe, and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, he drew packed crowds and received critical acclaim for his comedic genius. The show showcased his ability to captivate audiences and leave them in stitches.

Goodbye Mr. President

In 2019, President Obonjo took his third Edinburgh Show titled “Goodbye Mr. President” to the prestigious fringe festival. With this show, he continued to demonstrate his unmatched comedic talent, enthralling audiences and solidifying his position as a comedy force to be reckoned with.

Award-Winning Excellence

President Obonjo’s undeniable talent and groundbreaking approach to comedy have not gone unnoticed. He is the proud recipient of the prestigious Malcolm Hardee Award in 2019, an accolade also won by Trevor Noah in 2012. This recognition further cements his status as a comedic genius and serves as a testament to his ability to push boundaries and entertain audiences.

Leading the Comedy Revolution

President Obonjo’s unique brand of comedy has not only entertained audiences but has also led the charge for change in the industry. His confident and captivating stage presence challenges the norms and redefines what it means to be a comedian. With his revolutionary approach, he continues to inspire and empower aspiring comedians to fearlessly embrace their own comedic voices.

President Obonjo is a comedic genius who has spearheaded a revolution in the comedy industry. With his larger-than-life personality and unapologetic comedic style, he has captivated audiences, garnered awards, and pushed boundaries. As he continues to lead the charge for change, President Obonjo’s comedic genius shines brightly, leaving audiences in awe and paving the way for a new era of comedy.

Sat 4 May - Southbank
Saturday Night Comedy Club – Big Belly Southbank – 9pm
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Sat 4 May - Southbank
Saturday Night Comedy Club – Big Belly Southbank – 6pm
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Sun 5 May - Southbank
Ding Dong Gong Show
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