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Editing Your Material For Bigger Laughs!

In the world of Stand up it’s essential to know how to edit the material you have produced so far. Editing plays a crucial role in refining your content and preparing it for performance. In this blog, we will explore the process of editing, highlighting key considerations and techniques that can elevate your writing to the next level.

Dedicate Time for Editing

When you embark on the editing process, it is recommended to dedicate one of your writing days specifically for this task. This consolidation and editing day allows you to focus solely on improving your material. While editing, it’s important to remember not to engage in excessive word-smithing or micro-managing every single word placement.

Identifying the Gems

During the editing phase, your primary goal is to extract the most engaging and impactful parts from your writing. Look for elements that are funny, interesting, have a strong premise, or evoke a powerful emotional response. These highlights should be moved to another document or organised in a technical manner, such as copying and pasting into a working document.

Embrace Inspiration and Expand

As you engage in the editing process, it is not uncommon to find yourself inspired to write more. Embrace this creative energy and allow yourself to explore additional ideas. However, once you finish writing, it is crucial to edit the new material as well. After a proper amount of writing throughout the week, you may have identified two or three minutes of content that you would like to present on stage.

Thanks To Casey Casperson For The Inspiration For This One!

The Audience as Your Editor

When it comes to selecting which jokes or material to perform, trust your audience to be your editor. Avoid prematurely discarding a joke or idea at home. Instead, test it on stage and observe the audience’s response.

Often, you’ll discover unexpected comedic moments or timing that you may not have noticed during the writing or editing process. Embrace the feedback from your audience and let their reactions guide your refinement.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a common and natural concern, particularly in performance-based fields like comedy or improv. However, it is important to remember that nobody truly knows what they are doing. Embrace the inevitability of failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. Putting new material in front of audiences consistently will expand your working set and enhance your comedic arsenal.

Time Allocated for Editing

Editing should not consume an entire day. Allocate approximately an hour each week for the editing process. This dedicated time allows you to review and refine your material, ensuring it is ready for the stage. Remember, this hour is as essential as the time spent on writing itself. Be present for it!

Documenting Performances

Recording your sets is crucial for growth and improvement. Live performances often reveal audience reactions and provide valuable insights into your own onstage presence and delivery. Consider videotaping every single set you do.

By capturing your performances, you can analyse them later, gaining a deeper understanding of what works and what can be improved. (and clip them for socials!)

Comedy Coaches Can Help

If you find yourself at this stage in your comedy journey without having performed at an open mic night or if you feel that you haven’t written enough material, it may be beneficial to seek coaching. Personalised one-on-one coaching can provide valuable guidance and support.

There are a number of comedy courses and coaches in London! We’ve collated some of these in the miscellaneous section of this course so check that out when you can!

Editing is a crucial aspect of refining your writing and preparing it for the stage. By dedicating time to editing, identifying engaging material, embracing audience feedback, and documenting your performances, you can enhance your comedic repertoire and continually improve as a performer.

Embrace the editing process as an opportunity for growth and refinement, and let your audience be your ultimate editor.

Learn more about Comedy Writing here

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