London" />London" /> How Mark Normand Gets Away With Riskier Bits - Big Belly Comedy Club
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Stand-up comedy is an art form that pushes boundaries, challenges societal norms, and dares to tackle controversial subjects. One comedian who has mastered the art of delivering riskier bits is the talented Mark Normand. Known for his ability to navigate touchy subjects with finesse, Normand’s journey in perfecting such jokes sheds light on the dedication and resilience required to excel in the world of comedy.

Delving into the Darkness

In the world of comedy, some topics are considered taboo or too sensitive to touch upon. Mark Normand, however, has never shied away from exploring the darker side of humor. One particular bit he worked on took him months of trial and error before it hit the mark. The subject matter? A dark joke about child touching.

Perfecting the Pitch

Normand reveals that crafting and delivering such edgy jokes requires meticulous attention to detail. He emphasises the importance of refining the joke to perfection in the privacy of his apartment before even attempting to test it on an audience. The joke needs to be pitch perfect because the subject matter is so inherently edgy. Normand’s dedication to honing the bit in isolation showcases his commitment to pushing boundaries while ensuring the joke remains impactful and effective.

Bombing and Learning

Despite his efforts, Normand confesses that he still faced initial failure and bombing with the risky joke. However, instead of abandoning it altogether, he chose to learn from each experience. Normand embraced the valuable feedback he received from the audience during those difficult moments on stage. By analysing their reactions and experimenting with different delivery styles, he gradually pieced together the puzzle of what worked and what didn’t.

We would like to credit the Hot Breath YouTube channel for providing valuable insights from Mark Normand.


The Role of Belief

When faced with constant failure and discouragement, one might question the rationale behind continuing to pursue a controversial joke. Normand emphasises the importance of personal belief. Even when every instinct tells you to throw it away, if you genuinely believe in the idea and its potential, it becomes a driving force to keep pushing forward. Normand’s unwavering faith in his joke kept him committed to refining it until he achieved the desired result.

The Comic’s Perspective

In the world of comedy, the opinions of fellow comedians hold significant weight. Normand emphasises the importance of seeking feedback from trusted peers who can look beyond the surface level shock value and recognise the essence of a good bit. Comedians, being well-versed in the art form, have the ability to see the potential in controversial jokes and appreciate the underlying ideas. Their insights and support played a crucial role in Normand’s journey toward perfecting his riskier material.

Mark Normand’s ability to master riskier bits in stand-up comedy serves as an inspiring example of the dedication and perseverance required to excel in the comedic realm. By investing months in perfecting a dark and controversial joke, Normand showcases the painstaking efforts necessary to deliver such material effectively. Learning from failures, trusting one’s instincts, and seeking guidance from fellow comedians are all essential elements in crafting comedy that pushes boundaries while resonating with audiences.


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